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article 370

On Monday, August 5, 2019, the Home Minister and Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) leader Amit Shah announced to revoke the Article 370 which gave 'special' status to the Jammu & Kashmir region. Shah announced that the state will be reorganised geographically.

Article 370 of Indian constitution, grants an autonomous status to the state of Jammu and Kashmir. This article aims to provide space, in matters of governance, to the people of Jammu and Kashmir who have always felt vulnerable about their identity and insecure about the future. The article states that the implications of Article 238, which was omitted from the Constitution in 1956 when the states of India were being reorganised, Jammu and Kashmir shall not fall under the category.

Article 370 was drafted by Gopalaswami Ayyangar and the original draft states that ‘the Government of the State means the person for the time being recognised by the President as the Maharaja of Jammu and Kashmir acting on the advice of the Council of Ministers for the time being in office under the Maharaja's Proclamation dated the fifth day of March, 1948.’

Under Article 370 the Indian Parliament cannot increase or reduce the borders of the state.

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