The festive season unfolds in India. On September 16, the divine architect Lord Vishwakarma will be worshiped. This day is also known as Vishwakarma Jayanti and is a day of great significance for Hindus especially the artisans and craftsmen; as on this day it is believed that worshiping Lord Vishwakarma gives immense blessing and prosperity in trades.
Vishwakarma means "all maker" or the "maker of the universe". He is believed to be related to the Sun God; when Sun God Surya's daughter left home due to his high energy Vishwakarma reduced the energy and made various weapons using it. He is known for building divine cities like Dwarka and Indraprastha. Nala, who had a significant role in the Ramayana, is the son of Vishwakarma.
Vishwakarma Puja 2024 exact date, time
Vishwakarma Puja coincides with Kanya Sankranti, popularly known as Bhadra Sankranti according to the Bengali calendar. This year the Vishwakarma puja will be observed on September 16. The timing of Sankranti begins at 7:53 PM. This day is considered so special because it is the birth anniversary of Lord Vishwakarma, believed to have designed the holy city of Dwarka and forged strong weapons for gods.
Vishwakarma Puja 2024 rituals: How is the divine architect worshiped?
Vishwakarma Puja is celebrated by craftsmen, architects, engineers, and mechanics all over the country. Besides, Lord Vishwakarma is also worshiped as the god of creation, architecture, and mechanical work. Devotees pay homage to the god on this day for endowing them with skills and seek his blessings for their progress and prosperity in their respective fields.
Workers and artisans cleanse their workplaces, the tools and machinery. The instruments are then decked with flowers and colorings of bright looks and then worshipped.
Idols or pictures of Lord Vishwakarma are placed at an altar, which is mostly temporarily made and decorated and prayers are offered. Special pujas are held in factories, offices, and workshops. Sweets, fruits, and other items are offered to the deity and blessings are sought.
The tools are not used for the rest of the day after worship, as a mark of respect.
This puja is especially significant for the working class whose daily livelihood is dependent upon the usage of some tool or machinery because it is believed that worshiping these instruments brings success and guarantees that they function smoothly.