The highly anticipated drama ‘Treasure Island’ has officially cast Park Hyung Sik and Heo Joon Ho in its leading roles, adding a significant buzz to the 2025 drama lineup. This thrilling new series, penned by Lee Myung Hee, renowned for her work on the intense and dramatic ‘Money Flower’, and directed by Jin Chang Gyu, known for his excellent work on ‘Military Prosecutor Doberman’, is set to deliver a high-stakes story filled with intrigue and suspense.
‘Treasure Island’ centers around a dramatic plot involving a political slush fund of 2 trillion won (approximately $1.5 billion). The story unfolds with a man who successfully hacks into this immense fortune only to be murdered by another who, unaware of the heist, inadvertently loses the entire sum. The drama explores the complex repercussions of this colossal blunder and the ensuing power struggle.
In this eagerly awaited series, Park Hyung Sik will take on the role of Seo Dong Joo, a charismatic yet secretly ambitious leader of the Daesan Group’s Public Affairs team. Despite outwardly appearing as a dedicated ‘Daesan man’, Seo Dong Joo is driven by a hidden agenda to seize control of Daesan Group, revealing the depths of his ambition and strategic scheming.
Opposite him, Heo Joon Ho will star as Yum Jang Sun, a powerful and wealthy figure who was formerly the head of the National Intelligence Service (NIS). Yum Jang Sun is a master of manipulation, pulling the strings behind the scenes and controlling key figures in society with ease. His character thrives on the ability to plot events and influence powerful individuals to serve his own purposes.
Filming for ‘Treasure Island’ has already commenced, and the series is set to premiere in 2025. With its high-profile cast and talented creative team, the drama is surely going to hook audiences with its complex characters, engaging plot, and gripping storytelling.