While falling in love is easy, staying in love is hard. And harder than that is choosing to love the same person day after day, irrespective of their goodness and flaws-- and that's marriage for you in a nutshell. But have you ever wondered what makes some couples be happily married for years, while others can't even stand each other? Here we list down some secret habits of couples who are happily married for many years.
Couples in long-lasting happy marriages, always put each other first and work together as a team. They didn't complain about each other to their families or get influenced by their families to make decisions in life. Instead, they chose to clearly communicate with each other and work together as partners. They put their relationship first and set clear boundaries with their families.
They not only love each other, but also understand each other very well. Couples in happy and long marriages are each other's best friends and they genuinely love each other's company. From doing chores to spending quality time together-- they have shared goals and similar views in life. Their marriage is based on the solid grounds of friendship.
It is often said that difficult times could either break a couple, or bring them closer to each other. And so, couples who have survived long lasting marriages have gone through thick and thin together as partners. It is these difficult times that have brought them closer to each other and made their connection deeper and stronger.
We are humans and we are bound to have flaws or make mistakes. However, people in happy and long-lasting marriages often let go of their partner's little mistakes and flaws. They focus on the bigger picture instead-- of how their partner is to them, and their partner's many qualities. Instead of trying to change their partner, they let them be and accept them as they are. They not only love, but also respect their partner for who they are as a person.
Having fights and disagreements are normal in any relationship, including marriages. And couples whose marriages have survived the test of time often fight with each other. But they fight fair. They understand that it is the problem that they are fighting against rather than fighting each other. They also know how to navigate conflict, fight, come back together as partners and move ahead in life in their partnership.