1. How to use pregnancy due date calculator?
    A normal pregnancy usually lasts for 37 to 42 weeks. If you need to know your due date, choose the date of the first day of your last period from the drop down menu and click ‘calculate date’. The calculator will then analyse your due date.
  2. How is my due date calculated?
    When you click on ‘calculate date’, calculator adds 280 days (40 weeks) to the first day of your last menstrual cycle. It should be noted that your ovulation and menstrual cycle is counted as the first two weeks of pregnancy. Hence, when you deliver on the due date as mentioned by the calculator, your baby will be 38 weeks old and not 40 weeks.
  3. Why due date calculation is important?
    An expectant mom eagerly waits for the arrival of the baby. The due date is important as it tells the date of your delivery. It helps her to be physically as well as mentally prepared and also to keep a track on the progress of her delivery.
  4. When to see a doctor?
    Once you find your pregnancy test positive, it is important to go for an antenatal check up.
Have a healthy diet

The initial stage is the most crucial stage of your pregnancy. The right kind of diet at the initial stage has a great impact on the fetus. You must eat nutritious food for healthy development of the baby in your womb.

- Eat foods enriched with fibre

- Avoid skipping meals, especially breakfast

- As advised by your gynae, eat appropriate amounts of folic acid and iron

- If hungry, binge on healthy snacks

Things to avoid

It is best to avoid all activities that may put your pregnancy at risk. Doctors advise for exercise (under the supervision of a specialist), walking and staying active throughout the pregnancy. But you should definitely avoid the following:

- Running

- Waterskiing

- Diving

- Jumping

- Amusement park rides

- Hot tubs and saunas

More precautions

There are several foods that are strictly prohibited for the would-be-mother. These include:
- Alcohol

- Smoking

- Food additives

- Excess intake of caffeine

- Medications (without prescription)

Everything you consume or you do, directly impact the growth of your fetus. Hence, it is important that your diet and the activities should be healthy. Do not miss any appointment as this is a critical phase of your life.

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