Hosted by the legendary Amitabh Bachchan, the nation’s much-loved quiz show, Kaun Banega Crorepati Season 16 continues to captivate audiences with its enduring host, inspiring contestants, and exciting gameplay. Each episode highlights the thrill of the game, and the special moments created with AB at the helm. This week promises to be particularly special; here are five reasons why KBC is unmissable.
In this exciting week, two contestants will aim for the ₹1 Crore question, compelling the audience to root for them and their power of knowledge. Ujjwal Prajapat and Chander Prakash are set to take on the challenge, with a dream to leave as Crorepatis, making their families and the entire nation proud alongside the legendary Amitabh Bachchan.
Whenever he faced struggles, Bachchan would share his feelings with his father, expressing how overwhelmed he felt by the constant battles one faces. His father would remind him that as long as there is life, there will always be struggle. This perspective helped AB navigate his difficulties with resilience, and he shares this wisdom with the contestants as well.
Amitabh Bachchan always offers personal support to contestants, often going out of his way to help them. He treats his contestants like family, sharing in their joys and sorrows.
In this age of social media, where photos and videos are constantly shared, Amitabh Bachchan’s fans never fail to express their unconditional love for him. People from all over bring him cherished gifts, whether it’s prasad from their home puja, famous sweets from their city, or heartfelt handwritten letters. Over the years, AB’s fans have shown their affection in countless ways, and in return, he graciously accepts every gift with the same warmth and love they offer.
A contestant’s father shares a nostalgic story from 38 years ago about nearly meeting Amitabh Bachchan in Allahabad. Back then, they stopped just 1 kilometre from his building. Now, as he watches his child on stage, that unfinished journey has come full circle—he has finally completed that 1 kilometre on the set of KBC, sharing a moment with the legend he once almost met.