World Rhino Day is celebrated annually on September 22. This day is dedicated to rhinos and is especially observed to spread awareness about the five endangered rhino species, their importance and how they are at threat. World Rhino Day brings us a chance to emphasize their uniqueness, spread awareness about them, and save their existence. This day can be celebrated by raising funds, visiting a zoo, exploring charities that help rhinos, spreading knowledge, and adopting a rhino.
All about the five endangered species of rhinos
There are 5 endangered species of rhinos: Javan rhino, Sumatran rhino, Black rhino, Greater One-Horned rhino, and White rhino.
Javan Rhino: There are only 75 species of Javan rhino left in the world; it is one of the rarest and largest mammals on the planet. They are preserved safely in a national park in Indonesia.
Sumantra Rhino: The Sumatran rhinos are very rare and almost extinct. Surprisingly, they are the smallest species of rhinos. Only 80 of them are left.
Black Rhino: Black rhinos have a population of 2,500, but they are said to be extinct in the near future.
Greater one-horned rhinos: Greater one-horned rhinos, also known as the Indian rhinos, are mostly found in India. They are protected and safe in India and Nepal. Today, up to 3,700 rhinos exist.
White rhino: White rhinos are better in population. 18,000 rhinos exist to this date.
Here are surprising facts you didn't know about rhinos1. Rihnos have thick skin, but they still get sunburn.
2. Zebras, horses, and tarps are all related to rhinos.
3. The five species of rhinos are considered endangered.
4. A group of rhinos is called crash.
5. The horn of a rhino is made of keratin, a protein.
6. The word rhinoceros is a combination of two Greek words, rhino, and ceros.
7. While it may seem so, elephants and rhinos are not enemies.
8. The most famous piece of rhino artwork was done by Albrecht Durer’s woodcut, The Rhinoceros, printed in 1515.
9. Rhinos are pregnant for more than a year, up to approximately 16 months.
10. For centuries, Asians have used rhinos for medicinal purposes.
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